Womensbasketball-in-france-archives contains all the major links to the pages written before the 2010-2011 season.
Due to the amount of information we have decided to simplify the navigation choices for information written before the 2010-2011 season by providing all the necessary links in one page.
As the site is continuously updated we still link back to stories already archived.
All information related to the history of WEB TV have not been included in this page.
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Women playing basketball in France: 2009-2010 archives The following links from women playing basketball in France for the 2009-2010 season can be found on this page: LFB, NF1, youth competition, EuroLeague, EuroCup Women, EuroBasket qualification stories.
The Women playing basketball in France News Archive for 2008-2009 All the links from the pages of women playing basketball in France during 2008-2009 are in News Archive for the LFB, EuroLeague Women, EuroCup Women, NF1 as well as senior and youth internationals.
Youth International Basketball page index for 2008 The youth international basketball season is now in full swing as the FIBA Europe youth international competition approaches. We will be covering several events this summer, not only in France.
Women basketball players In France women basketball players find playing basketball a challenge. Listen to all the interviews from our series of women playing basketball in France
Women Amateur Basketball news index page for France Amateur Basketball news in France for women is made up of three national leagues and 24 regional leagues. Some of the news and events from these leagues excluding NF1 will be published in this section
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